All artificial intelligence notwithstanding, companies only exist because of people. And the longer we have been in business, the more we understand the importance of our employees. More than that, they are our most valuable assets. With engaged, enthusiastic employees, your growth takes off, and that’s where, as far as we’re concerned, the Insights model comes in. This helps people better connect with other people through self-knowledge, leading to greater and more lasting results. That’s why we not only work with Insights at our clients’ sites, but also apply it ourselves. Read here what it is and how it works.

What is the Insights Discovery model?

The Insights model teaches people to better connect with other people through self-knowledge. It is a means to achieve faster, better and more sustainable results together in a professional context.

More than 20 years ago, Andrew and Andi Lothian developed this methodology based on psychological insights from Carl Jung. Their basic premise is that all people are unique, have deep-seated preferences and therefore a particular view of situations.

Insights shows the influence of those preferences on your leadership style, on your dealings with others and on your added value to a team. Knowing these will also help you connect with others better. If you have better contact, they reason, you will also work better together.

What does Insights do?

Insights identifies 4 basic behavioral preferences that determine how you react, think and act. These behavioral preferences are depicted in 4 basic colors.

Insights Discovery

Everyone has all four colors in them. The personal combination of colors reflects your unique personality – your most natural self. Insights Discovery thus defines 72 different combinations, with differences even within those combinations.

How to create a positive feedback culture

Insight colors as an easy tool

The Insights colors have no value by themselves. They help memorize behavior types. JDIdoes not useinsightsto compartmentalize people, but rather as a tool to

  • understanding behavior,
  • become aware of the influence of your own behavior,
  • and connect with your colleagues.

Insights thus helps discover where your own strengths lie and those of others. Through a team analysis, you gain insight into the strengths of your team, and thus see the work points. This is how you will eventually unleash the full power of your organization.

Blue behavioral preference

  • Knowing and understanding the world

  • All information first, then proceed
  • Analysis first, then action
  • Objective point of view
  • Importance of autonomy and intellect

Red behavioral preference

  • Positive action with clear purpose
  • Powerful and directing
  • Open and direct
  • Tenacious and determined result-oriented
  • Goal is specific and tangible

Green behavioral preference

  • Relationships with harmony and depth
  • Passionately defend what has value to them
  • Democracy and respect for individual
  • Subjective point of view
  • Hearing everyone’s opinions and including them in decisions

Yellow behavioral preference

  • Enthusiastic and enthusiastic
  • Enjoying company
  • Involvement
  • Appreciation for contribution is important
  • Persuasive, engaging and cordial
Lead by example in a feedback culture

What can you do with it?

Personality Analysis

Each Insights track starts with an online questionnaire to analyze your behavioral preferences. Based on this, you will receive a personal and detailed profile, focusing on personal qualities and development points. It also contains suggestions for better communication and leadership. In this way, you will not only get to know yourself better, but you will also perform better in a business context.

Developing Leadership

Either take it further and work on your leadership skills. You will gain further insight into your own style and its impact on others. You will learn how to use your strengths to strengthen the entire organization. But also, how to better make connections with the people on your teams to improve teamwork and trust and achieve better results. This will also make you a stronger leader.

Team Analysis or Building Teams

Either you will work with your team together: you will do a team analysis, build a cohesive team together and improve mutual cooperation. You involve your employees more that way, building employee engagement.

What it gave us

  • gain insight into your own behavior and personality traits
  • become aware of the impact of your behavior on others and adapt your behavior to them
  • communicate better with each other

Insights helped a lot of clients and ourselves to …

That way you work better together and achieve business goals faster.

Insights helps teams find balance, reduce stress and work together optimally, even in difficult times.

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