Optimize your team’s sales skills with sales training and make sure your colleagues understand the impact they have with customers.

  • The new Sales Manager

    The job of sales manager has become more difficult, but also more important. More than ever, he or she must be a coach for ...

  • Creating impact through non-commercial colleagues

    Customers come in contact with your organization in a variety of ways. And often they have already made a decision even before ...

  • Social selling

    Change is the only constant. So discover our effective approach to change processes. This is how we help you successfully ...

  • Customer journey mapping

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Our sales methodology

Boost your sales through a sophisticated strategy, training to sales associates or sales managers? Forget classic sales strategies because at least 50% of all customers make a decision even before they have had contact with a (classic) salesperson. JDI optimizes your sales skills to hook the right fish.

Our sales services

We combine sales techniques with marketing and communication actions. This will give you the best chance to convince your prospects and customers of your added value.

We map out the various contact points with your customers (customer journey) and look at how your organization can always bring value to them. Digital tools can bring additional acceleration.

We attract potential customers with targeted content and ensure that these leads can be properly acted upon by sales.

We use processes, coaching and digital tools to make your sales people more effective and successful.

Look for relevant connections to build long-term relationships of trust with. The power of networking … but through social media! Up your selling game? Discover our solutions.

As a sales manager, you play a crucial role in achieving commercial success. In this track, we take a multidisciplinary look at whether you are doing the right things, your leadership style and communication skills.

Further sparring on your sales?

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  • Thanks to JDI, Cegeka has succeeded in defining a clear business development methodology in a manual that is a mixture of what JDI offers as best practices and the concrete tips & tricks that already exist within Cegeka. This manual must allow new and existing employees to do business development more efficiently. We would not have succeeded in this alone - so thank you JDI for coaching and designing this approach!

    Johan Lybaert

    VP Application Division Social Impact, Cegeka

These growers know our “just do it” mentality

Working at JDI: doers wanted!

Is customer focus and commercial thinking in your DNA and are you still looking for great colleagues to end the working week with? Found!

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