Here’s how to optimize the application process

Just as the market has shifted from a supply to a demand economy shifted, there has also been quite a shift in the recruitment landscape. The current job market is

, in which the employee actively searches for the employer of his dreams.

We all know that your
employer branding
therefore needs to be on point, but did you know that the
application process
also needs an update?

After all, the job interview is their first offline touchpoint with your company.

Your recruitment days are over!

The new-way-of-recruiting

Move over New Way of
and make way for the

New Way of Recruiting

because the
talent scarcity
hits hard. It actually starts with the outdated channels through which we seek new talent.

Job fairs
are usually useless because real talent obviously already has a job and cannot take time off during the day.

Job sites
are bulging and there is little room for creativity when you have to stick to job description, profile and offer.

But what then?

Referral recruitment, in which existing employees can nominate new staff, is on the rise. The likelihood of a match is high because the existing staff has a good idea of what profile would fit on the team. You can use the saved recruitment costs as a recruitment bonus for whoever brought in the new talent.

With your
digital signboard
you attract not only new customers, but also new employees. So make sure your qualities as an employer are also visible on your website and social media channels.

Targeted events remain the way to go. Plan a recruitment event that aligns with your company’s culture. Go for hyper-personalization and address everyone personally. Unlike job fairs, you play very close to the ball here and people want to take time off because they know you are doing this especially for them.

Every resume is a potential employee

Think carefully about your entire application process because every resume you receive is a potential employee. Even those whose resumes do not meet the criteria now may be just the ones you are looking for in a few years. For you, it’s easy to click through and forget if a resume doesn’t meet the requirements. But know that on the other side of the screen is a hopeful applicant whose impression of the company might change you forever.

Apply once yourself on your open position to understand the experience from start to finish. Where are the gaps? Where can the process be accelerated or personalized? Understanding how external candidates perceive your organization will help you identify the leaks in your recruiting funnel and improve processes.

Tips for an optimal application process

Manager, a colleague doing similar work, and/or a colleague who will work closely with the candidate. But don’t get too busy. Invite a candidate 2 times rather than speaking to him with a whole army.
No one likes to sit and wait in the lobby. Schedule sufficient buffer between 2 calls. This also makes it more enjoyable for the interviewers and that way, after some candidate, they have a moment to take notes and clear their heads for the next one.

Being in a small office with a desk in between interviewers is not a good idea if 1 of your


is a pleasant working environment.

Also look at motivation, work style, ambition and personality. If you want to build good teams, you have to have both IQ and EQ.
It used to be mostly one-way traffic from the company to the applicant. But the new generations are more empowered and curious. More and more, a job application is a sociable conversation rather than a stately interview.
Let the candidate know what will happen next. When does he get feedback, when is round 2?

Every applicant you have met in person is entitled to feedback. What can he improve on? What were his + and his – points? Again, this candidate may have the perfect profile in 10 years. It would be unfortunate to burn the bridges at this point.

Find people, not resumes

And then we come to the ultimate tip:

look for people, not resumes!
Thanks to innovation, the business landscape is constantly changing, and you need people who are willing to go along with your vision. Don’t get bogged down in job descriptions and lists of requirements because in 3 years that job may no longer exist. An agile company is a strong company, and that starts with the agility of your people.

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