More impact by attracting new talent, developing employees and teams, and transforming your organization!

Strategic advice

Attract the right people by radiating your values and authenticity through the latest communication techniques.

Training talent and staff development

Encourage your employees through lifelong learning through talent development, training & coaching.

sales and marketing

Strong teams put up strong results. Trust, conflict mediation, accountability and commitment are crucial.

sales and marketing

Help your employees understand where the organization is now and needs to go in the future for optimal collaboration.

Our growth methodology

The more growth, the more branching you can lose sight of. Build your teams with the right staff training. Thus, your organization gives more energy than it demands. And then you again have your eyes free for new opportunities. In this War for Talent, it is imperative to find, mold and keep talent.

Our trajectories

Attract new people and top talent to your organization thanks to employer branding, talent marketing and ambassadors.

Every company wants motivated and engaged employees. This can be done by honing their talents thanks to our range of staff training and pathways such as, among others. leadership training, Insights and personal coaching of your employees.

Teams are the engine of your organization. To ensure it is a well-oiled machine, we offer customized pathways from start-ups and new teams to high-performing teams.

To secure change in your organization, we help you ensure that everyone is aligned with where the organization is now and needs to go in the future….

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  • JDI made a fantastic contribution to supporting and guiding our managers in a context of great change. The creative response to and co-building of our story, the enormous flexibility to provide substantive and practical solutions, the sense of co-creation and the enthusiasm of JDI made us feel like a real "partner" in this joint project and not an "ordinary client."

    Marleen Van Gompel

    Responsible development & learning performance management, Crelan

These growers know our “just do it” mentality

Working at JDI: doers wanted!

Is customer focus and commercial thinking in your DNA and are you still looking for great colleagues to end the working week with? Found!

Get inspired

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    For best results, strong leaders adapt their leadership style according to the situation and the employee. Anyone can learn to do that: read how here.

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