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Employer branding and talent marketing

Attracting the right profiles for your organization is not always easy. To increase the influx of new talent to your job openings, you need to work on your employer branding and talent marketing. That is, make sure your sign is right and that you are spreading the right message.

JDI Summer Academy Employer Branding and talent marketing

Who is this training for?

Are there several vacancies currently open and do you notice much more turnover compared to before because of various reasons? At JDI, we are convinced that the issues must be viewed from a marketing communications standpoint and addressed with modern marketing techniques. Want to work on your employer branding and talent marketing? Then come off!

The training in a nutshell

In four steps, we help HR managers, production managers and business owners attract and retain more talent in a theory-based session.

  • How do you begin employer branding strategy?

  • Discover the handy roadmap to develop your employer value proposition for your company.

  • Learn how to create your Employee Persona

JDI in a nutshell



Audit & Analysis (AS IS).

What is the situation today and the desired situation?

We collect and consolidate all possible info regarding existing brand guidelines, persona, HR/marketing strategy… We analyze current recruitment channels, their purpose, result, existing campaigns, ads, postings, FB, Is, LI, candidate process, onboarding process, etc. We review the existing brand proposition and identity as well as the culture and values


Branding & Employer Value Proposition (TO BE).

Look at your brand, your target audience, their experiences and expectations

We define the employee persona (ideal types of the target group), their profile, how and why they want to work at the company but also try to map together the employee journey (the journey of the new employee) within the company with all touch points, expectations, … During a number of workshops we challenge with these insights the existing brand identity, culture and values to arrive at an expected situation.


Ambassadors & Communications

Internal engagement and omnichannel content plan

Based on the strategic insights, we make proposals in terms of processes, content plan, advertising campaigns and channel choices. We are also looking at the contributions that internal ambassadors can make.


Measurement & Adjustment

Management tools to adjust channels and content

In this changing world, it is important to set up the necessary tools to track the results of campaigns and content. In this way, quick changes and adjustments can be made to increase the influx of candidates for open vacancies more quickly.


To offer participants a neutral location away from the office, we partner with LofttoBe. Their inspiring spaces give oxygen to any team event.

Ask your question

We work out this course to suit your needs, situation and the number of participants.

Nico, our Sales expert will be happy to help you!

Nico Ivens JDI Summer Academy expert

Time to work on your employer branding? 

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