
1 day



OGSM master plan

An organization where employees put their shoulders to the organization’s mission will always achieve better results. That is why it is necessary to make clear, also to your employees, the vision, mission and purpose of your organization and also let them think about how they can contribute to it. Are you ready for a concrete plan?

JDI Summer Academy Employer Branding and talent marketing

Who is this exercise for?

For organizations that want to develop and translate their corporate vision and mission into a clear action plan for their employees.

The exercise in a nutshell

In 1 interactive and hands-on session, we will look at your current vision, mission and purpose and translate them into a clear OGSM model with targeted actions.

JDI in a nutshell


Everyone meaningful together around 1 goal

We hold a workshop around developing your vision, mission and purpose and translate it into an OGSM plan. We make this up keeping in mind the team with their priorities and actions.

Furthermore, there is collaboration on embedding the OGSM approach in the company with certified facilitators.


To offer participants a neutral location away from the office, we partner with LofttoBe. Their inspiring spaces give oxygen to any team event.

Ask your question

We work out this course to suit your needs, situation and the number of participants.

Patrick, from Talent & Organization is happy to help!

Nico Ivens JDI Summer Academy expert

Time to secure your culture, norms and values within your company? Sign up!

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