
2 days



Growth mindset for teams

Teams with a growth mindset exhibit more persistence. Even in the face of adversity! They put more focus on the learning process and contribute more to a common goal. They develop greater organizational commitment and are therefore invaluable to business leaders because they actually start thinking with your organization.

JDI Summer Academy Employer Branding and talent marketing

Who is this exercise for?

The growth mindset exercise is ideal for existing or new teams who want to embed a growth mindset into their organization’s processes and habits. As a business manager, do you regularly experience resistance in the team to new ideas? Then request more info on this exercise now.

The exercise in a nutshell

We will anchor the growth mindset over 2 days of interactive and hands-on session focusing on:

  • How to go from a static to a growth mindset

  • How to foster a growth mindset as a team

  • Team agreements around positive collaboration

JDI in a nutshell




Through an intake beforehand, we set the lines of the exercise and pay attention to your specific concerns.


Day 1: Growth vs. Fixed Mindset

What is a growth mindset and how to foster it?


Day 2: Collaborate positively

Agreements within the team around positive collaboration


Intervision sessions

In conclusion, 5 intervision sessions with ICF coaches


To offer participants a neutral location away from the office, we partner with LofttoBe. Their inspiring spaces give oxygen to any team event.

Ask your question

We work out this course to suit your needs, situation and the number of participants.

Patrick, our Talent & Development expert will be happy to help you!

Nico Ivens JDI Summer Academy expert

Time to grow with your team?

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